Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices
People vary in their mixture of drinking different juices in the month of fasting. Variety in fruit juices gives them the option to choose the most appropriate and their favorite, especially that there are plenty of fruit, from which we can get a variety of juices and delicious, Different fruits.
Top Benefits Of Fruit Juices
1. Pineapple juice
Benefits of some fruit juices Pineapple juice helps pineapple juice to digest and very useful for the stomach, as it is a diuretic, and repellent for toxins in the body, and recommended by people with anemia and indigestion, and also has the ability to dissolve grease so it is useful for people with obesity. The benefits of pineapple health is amazing and the harm of eating apricot juice is recommended for apricot juice for people suffering from osteoporosis, as well as mental impairment, and people with anemia, and is very useful for children, in addition to its benefits in the fight against diarrhea.
2. Lemon juice
Lemon juice Lemon juice is very useful for growing children, to combat colds, and flu in winter. The juice of mulberry juice strengthens the functions of the liver, regulates the nervous system, as recommended by people with gout (joint pain) and rheumatism to relieve the pain.3. Grape juice
A repellent for toxins and is recommended by patients with kidneys, intestines, heart diseases, high blood pressure, it also eliminates liver infections, relieves gastrointestinal infections, and has a good effect in blood circulation. Types of diets.
4. Strawberry juice
Strawberry juice is a moisturizer and laxative, if taken with water, and taken alone if taken, and described as taking gargle against sore throat and throat.5. Peach juice
Peach juice is very rich in vitamin C, and is useful for teenagers, and is recommended for those who engage in exhausting sports.
6. Orange juice
Orange juice is recommended for children and adolescents in the process of growth, as advised in the recovery period, after fever or flu.
7. Cherry juice
Cherry is rich in mineral elements and strengthens the joints of the body, and drinking for more than two days, facilitates the process of expelling toxins and waste from the body.
8. Apple Juice
Apple juice is a source of energy, diuretic and laxative against constriction of the stomach, for its richness in fiber, and it is a granular juice that treats many diseases. In another article we discussed some types of fruits and the benefit of each individual you can read, if tell us dear readers what fruit juices that you like to take in the days of Ramadan fasting? You can also consult one of our doctors here if you have any health problems during Ramadan.
Health Benefits of Drinking Fruit Juices
Reviewed by Health Tips
November 17, 2018
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